Creation - Genesis

Even God Rested!

Genesis 1-2:3

We’ve all heard the story of the beginning of the world.  God created all things in six days and rested on the seventh day.  The very first passage of the Bible outlines what God specifically created in those six days.  It’s important to note that God rested when He completed such an enormous task.


On the 1st day, the very common phrase, “Let there be light!” came from God when he created day and night.  [How many times do you walk into a dark room, turn on the light, and proclaim, “let there be light!?”  It comes from this passage in the Bible!]

On the 2nd day, God created air to divide the water in two and named the air “sky.” 

The 3rd day, He created “earth” with plants (e.g., grain and fruit) and seeds to produce more plants.

On the 4th day, the sun and the moon were created to separate days from nights. 

On the 5th day, God created birds and sea animals.

And on the 6th day, other land animals and humans were made – “Let us make human beings in our image and likeness.  And let them rule over the tame animals, over all the earth and over all the small crawling animals on the earth.” 

Finally, on the 7th day, God rested and made it holy.


Have you ever heard of the “Busy Brag?”  It’s where people proclaim how busy they are because they want to be seen as a valuable member of society.  We are in a culture where there is a compulsion to stay busy.  Historically, living the “life of leisure” was seen as a sign of success.  In ancient Greek society, leisure was associated with the upper class and defined as a life free from daily labor that allowed people to engage in intellectual, aesthetic, and civic activities. Now, many people view being busy as being significant.  We don’t want to look lazy to our peers.  But, we need balance people! This verse in the Bible tells us that its ok to rest after working hard all week.  God completed the ultimate creation, then he rested.  You should too!


We need to find time to rest and to be with God.  Churches even offer mass throughout the week or online to better accommodate our busy lives.  If you can, try to carve out time on Sundays.  If not, find another day in the week.  In general, make time for yourself by working out or meditating.  Be sure to spend quality time with friends and/or family.  Take some time for yourself, set boundaries, and do something that you enjoy!